JOHN KEATS London Rome 31/10/1795 - 23/2/1821 English Poet |
Oct 31, 1795: John Keats Born in London
1802: Brother Dies
1803: Starts School in Enfield, England
Apr 16, 1804: Father Dies
1805: Mother Disappears, abandons the family
1809: Mother Returns
Mar 1810: Mother Dies of tuberculosis
1811: Leaves School
1815: Starts Medical School and privately begins to write poetry
Oct 1816: Becomes Serious About Poetry
Dec 1816: Leaves Medicine to focus on poetry
Mar 3, 1817: First Poems Published, a volume entitled “Poems”
Jul 1818: Six week walking tour of England and Scotland with his friend, Charles Brown
Nov 28, 1818: Finishes Endymion, his first major long poem
Dec 1, 1818: Brother Dies of tuberculosis
1819: Meets Fanny Brawne, his neighbor and writes many of his best poems: The Odes of 1819: Ode on Indolence, Ode to Psyche, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode on Melancholy, battles depression and fights tuberculosis
Feb 3, 1820: Tuberculosis Appears, Fanny nurses him
Jul 1820: Final Poems Published, Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St Agnes and Other poems
Sep 17, 1820: Sails for Italy (without Fanny) as the English winter will not help the health of his lungs, the doctor says he needs the sea to help him stay alive more time
Feb 23, 1821: John Keats dies in his trip and is buried in the Protestant cemetery. Percy Bysshe Shelley, a friend of his, writes a poem as an elegy for him, Adonais
1838: His last poem “Bright Star” is officially published
Why was Fanny important in John Keats' life?
Fanny Brawne 9/8/1800 - 4/12/1865 |
Why was Fanny important in John Keats' life?
A reason why Fanny Brawne may have been important in John’s life is the fact that they met after John Keats’ brother died, hereafter, she must have been a great support for him through that time of sorrow. Moreover, he did write many of his best works during the year they were together. Most of his poems are related to her, and even though they were apart in his last days of life she was always present to him.
Letter were Keats declares his Love for her…
Who was Charles Brown?
Letter were Keats declares his Love for her…
"The morning is the only proper time for me to write to a beautiful girl whom I love so much”
Who was Charles Brown?
They met in the late summer of 1817, Keats was twenty-one, and Brown thirty. They shared together a trip to Europe and they visited Scotland together. When Keats’ brother died, he moved into Brown’s half of Wentworth Place, taking the front parlor, where he lived for seventeen months. This was important in his life as this way he met Brown’s neighbor Fanny, the woman he fell in love with and got engaged to. Brown collaborated with Keats play, Otho the Great. He helped Keats and took care of him during his illness (tuberculosis) and sent letters to him in his death bed.Last 3 sentences from John Keats' letter to Charles Brown on the 30th November 1920...
“Write to George as soon as you receive this, and tell him how I am, as far as you can guess; - and also a note to my sister - who walks about my imagination like a ghost - she is so like Tom. I can scarcely bid you good bye even in a letter. I always made an awkward bow.”
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